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Life, with all its ups and downs, has a way of leaving its marks on each of us. These marks in the form of experiences, challenges, or triumphs -contribute to the unique tapestry of our existence. However, Grace allows us to embrace imperfections and learn from them. A quiet strength to move forward with understanding. Are you aware of your default thoughts and feelings? Through the guidance of a professional life coach, mindset coaching can help you gain a deeper understanding of your default responses towards life. In seeing it, you don't have to be it. You have time to reframe beliefs and change behaviours that no longer serve you.
My Vision is to be part of healing in a broken world by empowering the marginalised, those recovering from paralysing self-doubt, abuse, addiction and dysfunctional relationships to rediscover their inner worth and voice. We envision a community where every individual, regardless of their past or present struggles, recognises their inherent value and the beauty in their unique experiences and brokenness. Through this recognition, we see a world transformed by individuals who, understanding their eternal destinies and likeness to their Creator, use their journeys of healing to illuminate the paths for others, turning their pain into a beacon of hope and empathy.
My mission is to offer a sanctuary for healing and personal growth for those who have been silenced by their circumstances—be it abuse, addiction, or the inherent imperfections of family, societal structures or cultural norms and rules. Through comprehensive personal development programs, including online courses, coaching sessions, music lessons, and face-to-face teaching, I aim for this place to be a safe place, an accountability guide for my clients toward recovering wholeness and finding their unique voice. I believe in the transformative power of empathy, earned through our own experiences of hurt and healing, and commit to walking alongside my clients in their journey, helping them to see their worth as crafted by our heavenly Father. By fostering a supportive community grounded in understanding and shared experiences, we strive to help our clients turn their brokenness into a source of strength and light, revealing the beauty in their scars and inspiring a cycle of healing and empowerment.
I choose not to be governed by greed but add honest value to my world. That includes serving those who can not afford luxuries. When I add value, I choose not to mask it behind catchy sales lingo.
So often have I felt that my experiences would rather be described as unforeseen collisions than a sequence of happenings meticulously planned. That is also what helped me to dig deep and discover who I am inside. And, even though we're told a sentence doesn't start with and, I can’t imagine where I would be without my faith in Jesus Christ.
Challenges can be reframed as opportunities for personal transformation! Embracing vulnerabilities, not as weaknesses, but as gateways to deeper connections. Life changes when we really view our struggles through a lens of opportunities. How would life change if we really embraced the courage to go on our own unique paths of personal and spiritual growth rather than conforming to popular standards?
My own life tests inspired me to assist others, my motive in undertaking continuing professional development. Studies in Trauma work, Neuro Linguistic
Programming, Hypnotherapy, Business Coaching, and Enneagram Coaching helped me to keep honing techniques and insight. I believe that recognizing opportunities within our challenges helps us conquer adversity and emerge stronger and more resilient. Apart from my professional pursuits, my faith and connection with my Heavenly Father fuel my creativity, inspiration and sense of connection. My 2 daughters bring me immense joy as some of the very amazing people I was lucky to observe on my coaching journey - as they kept navigating life's hurdles - flourishing because of them.
Be unapologetically you.
There is only one you, love the people in your life and you'll love them as well as you love yourself. Relationships, even with yourself, are like bank accounts and bankruptcy doesn't often show up overnight and out of the blue.
Grace gives us what we don't deserve and doesn't give us what we deserve but in the same breath - behaviours have consequences. Everything we do here, echoes in eternity so in the long run, it's better to have opposition - with fruit to show for it - than what it is to be popular without any real substance. Wholeness in your soul last longer than anything you can buy here.
I believe you are a masterpiece and only your Creator knows your deepest and truest value, as well as your unimaginable destiny.
Welcome to my coaching practice! I am passionate about inspiring individuals on their quest to recover hope and return to wholeness after seasons of despair and brokenness. When we revive our forgotten dreams and confidently believe that it is never too late, despair can turn to courage. Faith can turn fear into confidence. Living a fulfilling life is not just for some but for all of us - from children to couples to entrepreneurs. Sometimes after long, dry seasons we just need to be reminded of the proverb that inspires us to dream, a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Coaching is an interactive experience where we discover your goals and your passions and use them to help you travel down a path to the life you want.
100%! What happens in our sessions stays in our sessions, just like seeing a therapist.
The time that your coaching process will take depends on the complexity of your goals and your commitment and openness to your process.
It helps us gain clarity and focus, almost like a GPS it helps us navigate through the twists and turns of life.
It can definitely be done remotely! Remote coaching allows for flexibility and convenience without sacrificing the effectiveness of the coaching process.
Oh, coaching can absolutely be helpful for couples too! It can provide a safe space for communication, problem-solving, and goal-setting as a team. So whether you are looking to spice things up, improve communication, or strengthen your bond, Couple's coaching is worth considering. After all... it takes 2 to tango!
Children can start being coached as early as 4 or 5 years old. At a young age coaching might involve concepts like setting goals, building self-confidence and developing good habits. As they grow older and more mature, coaching can cover a wider range of topics like decision-making, problem-solving and personal growth.
Here are a few things to consider when it comes to choosing a coach:-
Mental Health Practitioner
258 Renoir Ave, Faerie Glen, 0081